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Gravatar comprado por Automattic

Automattic GravatarAutomattic Gravatar

Gravatar sin duda el nombre mas conocido alrededor de los blogs en wordpress ha sido comprado por Automattic desarrolladores de Wordpress, esto no es para nada malas noticias al contrario los usuarios de Gravatar habian crecido de tal manera que cada vez era mas dificil mantener el servicio funcionando bien.

Ahora con la adquisicion por Automattic es servicio debe mejorar muchisimo, primero que nada el blog de gravatar deja mephisto y se para a wordpress, se ha cambiado a la infraestructura del nuevo dueño la cual promete un valor mas bajo en latencia y mas velocidad en la carga de las imagenes y todos los servicios premium pasaran a ser totalmente gratis.

  • We’re going to make all of the Premium features free, and refund anyone who bought them in the last 60 days.
  • Move the gravatar serving to a Content Delivery Network so not only will they be fast, it’ll be low latency and not slow down a page load.
  • Take the million or so avatars we have on and make them available through the Gravatar API, to compliment the 115k already here.
  • From Gravatar, integrate them into all templates and bring features like multiple avatars over.
  • From, bring the bigger sizes (128px) over and make that available for any Gravatar. Currently Gravatars are only available up to 80px.
  • Allow Gravatar profile pages with Microformat support for things like XFN rel=me and hCard.
  • Develop a new API that has cleaner URLs and allows Gravatars to be addressed by things like URL in addition to (or instead of) email addresses.
  • Rewrite the application itself ( to fit directly into our grid, for internet-scale performance and reliability.

Sin duda una gran noticia.

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